Humanized Pepe: Minting is LIVE!

Neural Frens
3 min readFeb 3, 2022

Finally, the humanization campaign of Neural Pepe is LIVE! If you want to learn more about the collection, go THIS WAY first!

🧪🧬If you already know what to do and have some NPs, go this way to start humanizing:

If you’re not sure how to do it right, here is a little guide for you:

Step 1. Get a Neural Pepe

The easiest way to buy a Neural Pepe (NP) is to buy it on one of the secondary markets.



Liquid floor price NPs

Liquid pool currently contains around 300 NPs at the floor price. They’re usually not rare, but as H-NP have a separate rarity system, you still have a great chance to mint a rare humanized version

Liquid Collectibles

Marketplace Aggregator (+ stats)

Rareboard is aggregating info from both Liquid and NFTKEY



We also recommend checking if the Neural Pepe you’re buying already has a humanized version on the “Humanization” tool page.

Step 2. Get enough $AI

The current cost of humanization is just 500 $AI tokens per 1 NP.

The main liquidity is on ApeSwap, but you can also purchase through Dex Guru and Bog Finance.

🐵 ApeSwap AI/BNB pair:

👳‍♀️Dex Guru Analytics:

👁 Bog Finance:

Recommended Slippage: 6% (otherwise your tx might get reverted)

Step 3. Go to “Humanization” page and start humanizing

🧪🧬Go this way:, connect your wallet and select the Neural Pepe you’d like to humanize.

Step 4. Approve $AI spending transaction

You need to approve $AI spending so H-NP contract is capable of charging you for humanization

Step 5. Mint H-NP

As soon as minted, your H-NP will be availble to view on TofuNFT and, a day later, on NFTKEY, where you’ll be able to transfer and trade your H-NP.

Now as you know how to do it, go and humanize some frens!

