Neural Challenge #4: aCute pAIn

Neural Frens
3 min readNov 22, 2022

This year’s winter is especially harsh in Kekistan. Sometimes the cold outside stings so painfully that even the cutest neural pepe start looking like cursed. So this time we decided to give away some free pAIn as challenge rewards!

As you may already know, we’re currently working on a new ETH-based NFT collection called “pAIn” created specially for the bear market. pAIn is a collection of 6,666 AI-generated faces of pain which will only be mintable when Ethereum price is going down.

The price of ETH and its 24h change (%) at the moment of the mint will also be recorded into each NFT’s metadata. The mint will be divided into tiers based on the % of 24h ETH price change:

  1. From -0.01 to -5%
  2. From -5% to -10%
  3. From -10% to -15%
  4. Everything below -15%

First 3 tiers will be limited by 2,000 supply each and the last one will have only 666 slots. The mint price is going to be the same for each tier.

pAIn collection will go live in 2–3 weeks.


aCute pAIn challenge will last for 7 days and end on the 28th of November at 23:59 UTC (18:59 EST)

2 Cute NP + 2 Cursed NP = 1 pAIn free mint lottery ticket

In order to complete the challenge you need have 2 Neural Pepe with a “Cute” special and 2 Neural Pepe with a “Cursed” special on your wallet before the countdown is over. No extra actions are required. When the challenge is over, a snapshot of all NP wallets will be made. If you have several full sets on your wallet, you’ll receive one NFT for each set.

Challenge Rewards

Prize: 25 pAIn free mint spots

For each completed 2 Cute NP + 2 Cursed NP combination challenge participant is going to get 1 pAIn lottery ticket. As there are just 235 Cute NPs the maximum amount of lottery tickets is 117. However, as NPs are distributed over 1200 wallets, the real amount will most likely be even less.

So there will be at least 1 to 4 chance to win for each ticket. Winners will be selected in a live mode after the end of the challenge.

You can check if any of your NPs are eligible for the challenge here:

You can search for challenge NPs on NFTKEY, PancakeSwap and Rareboard



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