Neural Frens Website Update: User Profiles and NFT Explorer!

Neural Frens
4 min readDec 31, 2022

Hi frens!

It’s been quite a while since we updated the Neural Frens website and finally the time to ship something new has come! 2 major additions to the NF website are user profiles and NFT explorer!

Customizable Profiles

Your user profile is basically your customizable account on the Neural Frens website. Here you can see your basic NF stats such as total Neural Frens NFT balance, number of completed Neural Challenges, $AI balance, BNB rewards earned from farming, your TVL at Neural Farm and pending $AI balance. Some stats are visible to everyone and others (DeFi Stats) are visible to you only.

What is more, you can customize your account and select a nickname, avatar (out of Neural Pepe you own) and background cover (out of AI-generated collection). You can also add your Discord, Telegram and Twitter info so other frens can find you and make a personal offer on one of your NF NFTs.

If you register a nickname it also becomes a part of you profile’s personal link which you can share with other. For instance, if your nickname is NeuralDev you get a link. You can also use wallet addresses instead of usernames with format and profile/wallet link is interchangeable with yor prfofile/username link.

NFT Gallery

Of course the most important part of user profiles is NFT Gallery as it’s where you can see your (or someone else’s) whole Neural Frens NFT Collection in a single place.

You can use simple filters, switch between collections and sort NFTs by their name or serial number. At the moment, only BNB Chain collections are available, but others chains will be added in the future.


Profiles are quite simple and should be pretty intuitive, but here is a brief guide how to use them.

Step 1. Go to the Neural Frens main page and connect your wallet or go directly to the page and connect your wallet there

Step 2. Open the dropdown menu with your BNB and AI balance and and click at “View Profile”

Step 3. First, you’re going to see an uncustomized version of your profile. Click “Edit Profile” to select your avatar and cover image and add you social media info.

Step 4. Type in your desired nickname. Select you Neural Pepe avatar out of you NP collection and cover image out of pre-generated collection we made specially for user profiles. Add you Twitter, Discord and Telegram contacts if you want it.

Step 5. Press “Save Changes” when you’re done customizing your account. The changes will be applied immediately.

NFT Explorer

Now you can find all our NFT collections in one place (except bonus Polygon ones).

The Neural Pepe explorer lets you filter NPs based on their current status. For instance, you can see only NPs which are now in Neural Jail or only those staked on Neural Farm. “On wallet” status will show your NFTs only.

Currently NP profiles contain only metadata, owner info and IPFS links, but we’re going to add Jail/Farm/Renaming history and Renaming and AI claiming buttons in the next update soon!

